Thursday, July 30, 2009

She looks like our sister!

Yesterday while I was fixing my hair my cell phone rang. When I looked at the number I knew that it was our adoption agency. I thought that it was a strange time to be getting a call from them because it wasn't time for our monthly update. Christy our case worker started the conversation the same way she always does by asking how I am doing. We continued on through the usual small talk and then Christy said, "I have a little girl I want to talk to you about." Of course my heart started racing. She told me that the little girl was 20 months old and that she had some medical issues. She wanted to know if I was interested in seeing this child's "complete" medical and history report. I use the term complete loosely because there is nothing complete about the report but it is all the information they have about baby A. We cannot publish pictures or her name because she is not legally ours. I agreed to look at her information and called Chris to tell him the news. We have decided to proceed with the adoption. She is beautiful and I believe that God made her for us. The title of my post today comes from a comment made by Noah. My friend showed Noah a picture of baby A. and asked him who she looked like. He pointed to her and said, "She looks like our sister, brown! Not like us!" For me it was a great moment because in his innocence Noah explained our newest member perfectly. SHE IS OURS even though she is unique. The process from here will probably take 2-4 months. Keep us in your prayers. -Sarah

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! Isaiah 30:18


  1. I can just imagine her little face!! Our prayers are with you!!


  2. YAY!!!!! Congrats. I am so happy for you guys. :)

  3. This is my first time to your blog! I have been missing some pretty amazing posts...but what a great time to come and visit...WOW! Congrats to all 4 of you and to Baby A!!! What a blessing for you all!

