Monday, January 4, 2010

How is the baby doing?

The most asked question that we hear? How is the baby doing? I think the baby is just fine and not only is she fine, she ROCKS in the band! Sweet!


  1. LOVE it!!! LOVE your adorable family of 5!!

  2. Ha ha. I love your rock band! Bear says Hey Addie. :)

  3. Hey Sarah! Your mom posted a pic on Facebook of Addi and I saw your blog address on Chris' page. She is adorable and so are the boys!
    You will have to visit me at or on Facebook if you are on there.
    So funny, my blog had this same background when I started it!


  4. I totally remember Addie! I was with the November 20th travel group and all the other toddlers just kept saying "Addie... Addie"... she's a big hit. I'm glad you're home and enjoying your sweet girl.
