Friday, April 16, 2010


The truth is that adoption--international or domestic is amazing.
The truth is that this sweet baby girl has captured the hearts of our family members.
The truth is she is our daughter!
The truth is that she is unconditionally loved
by her earthly family and her heavenly Father!

We Are The Truth
A Campaign and Call to Action

The outrageous treatment of Artyem by his adoptive family has rightfully resulted in outrage by the Governments of Russia and the United States and all who care about children. The tragedy has cast a light on intercountry adoption that says it is not safe, the system failed and adopted children cause insurmountable problems. The heartbreak of Artyem Saviliev’s abandonment has once again elevated a singular incident to a level which may result in the suspension of intercountry adoption. Suspending adoption, even temporarily, will only cause thousands of children to suffer the debilitating effects of life in an orphanage.
Please Click Here to find out how you can help!!


  1. Hello! Congratulations on your adoption of such a lovely girl. We picked up our little girl in August of last year and met your precious one. I have some pictures of her if you'd like I can email them to you. My email is Feel free to send me a message so I can get them to you.-cassie
