Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Video

Today we received a video of our baby girl in Ethiopia. I can't tell you what it means to me to see her move around and play. She is beautiful and has this sneaky kind of playful thing going on that just makes we want to get on a plane and bring her home. Oh wait I get to do that soon. In Gods timing of course. After 21 years of this little girl being on my heart, I see now the light at the end of the tunnel. God in spite of myself and my mistakes you love me enough to answer my hearts desire. Thank you God for your daily mercy and grace. Thank you for having a plan and purpose for the Steward family. Living for your Glory!
Chris Steward


  1. <3 So happy for you!

  2. I love reading about the activity and how close you are to having your little girl. Wish you could share the video with us.
